2 Quotes About She Is A Closed System

You are a closed system. You can't get in or out of you. You are the last part of the equation, the "why" behind everything else. ----- point of view quotes You are not a person. You are an energy, a vibration, a frequency, a wave length of light, in constant motion and in constant pursuit of knowledge and wisdom Read more

 - David Deida I am not here to judge you; I am not here to say that you are good or bad but I am here to share my experience with you. I hope that through my experiences I can help you feel more at ease with yourself and make you feel more comfortable in your own skin.  You can never be enough for someone else; at some point they will run out of space for you.

 There is no amount of praise or criticism that can make up for how much another person cares about another person.  At some point they will run out of love to give.  No matter how much they try to change you there is only one thing you can do about it: Accept them for who they are and love them anyway. ----- Life is what happens while you're busy making other plans..

- John Lennon Every cloud has a silver lining...but sometimes it's up to us to find it! - Unknown It's important to live each day fully...so enjoy every minute of it! - Unknown There is no wrong or right way to live your life...except the wrong way! - Unknown If there is no tomorrow, then what do we have today? The chance to be happy! - Unknown Live every day like it's your last...because someday it might be! - Unknown The most powerful weapon on earth is the human mind...and there's nothing more important than learning how to use it! - Ray Kurzweil You know, if it weren't for bad luck, I'd have no luck at all.. - Groucho Marx Happiness doesn't demand conditions; Happiness requires conditions - Unknown Bad times don't last forever; good times don't last forever either....but bad times have the advantage over good times because they last so much longer.. - Mike Pringle