5 Quotes About Shape Shifter

We all have the ability to shape-shift. It’s a powerful tool that changes your life for the better. The point is to be conscious of the times when you are in your animal form, and to use it wisely. Here are some quotes that will help you be more conscious of when you are in animal form, take advantage of it, and then return to the human form.

All night, I thought about that walk. The touch of the forest tickled my skin long after, while the scent lingered in my nostrils. It was unlike anything back home. There was a feeling in the atmosphere I couldn't shake--something that was trying to draw me back. I felt alive in that forest. --His Name is Moonlight Kellie Thacker
I felt empowered by him, as if his very existence manipulated the balance of my nature from a shy little girl to wonder woman. Kellie Thacker
You would have only seen a skittish young deer jumping through the forest, having no idea it was a little girl. Kellie Thacker
I'm going to tell you something I probably shouldn't. Kellie Thacker