3 Quotes About Scots Irish

As a scottish person, you are a proud and noble person. The people of scotland have a rich history. Along with the history, the language is also very different than english. The english language has many words which are of scottish origin Read more

Some of these words are so common that they are used by most people of the world. You may have heard of some of these words before but you might not be aware of the origin of them. Lets find out about some of these words and their origin.

When you know the origin it will give you an idea on how to use these words in your daily life.

We have been told to ask about everything: Will it...
We have been told to ask about everything: Will it leave us free? Ben Robertson
It is a great comfort to a rambling people to know that somewhere there is a permanent home--perhaps it is the most final of the comforts they ever really know. Ben Robertson