6 Quotes About Sahara Desert

Deserts are some of the most beautiful and inhospitable places on our planet. While we may not be able to explore them in person, we can still learn about them and enjoy their beauty and natural wonders. Take a look at these awesome desert quotes to see how they’re different from the ones you’re used to reading.

Come to think of it, maybe God is a He...
Come to think of it, maybe God is a He after all, because only a cruel force would create something this beautiful and make it inaccessible to most people. Raquel Cepeda
Individually, every grain of sand brushing against my hands represents...
Individually, every grain of sand brushing against my hands represents a story, an experience, and a block for me to build upon for the next generation. Raquel Cepeda
During his extensive career as an airmail pilot with Aéropostale, Antoine served as the company’s station manager in barren Villa Bens. During the Second World War, although he was older than most, Saint-Exupéry joined the Free French Air Force. On July 31, 1944, as fate would have it, he disappeared on a reconnaissance mission flying a P-38 Lightning over the Mediterranean, somewhere south of Marseille. The body of a French pilot was found a few days after Antoine’s disappearance and was buried in Carqueiranne, France. After his death he became an icon and national hero throughout France. For a fleeting moment I wondered what anyone could do to pass the time of day at such a remote location…. Antoine de Saint-Exupéry used his time to write books! Today the word Aéropostale takes on an entirely new meaning. It has become the name of an American retailer of casual apparel for young people. Go figure…. Captain Hank Bracker
More than anything, this place feels familiar. I bury my hands in the hot sand and think about the embodiment of memory or, more specifically, our natural ability to carry the past in our bodies and minds. Individually, every grain of sand brushing against my hands represents a story, an experience, and a block for me to build upon for the next generation. I quietly thank this ancestor of mine for surviving the trip so that I could one day return. . Raquel Cepeda
Being the Novelist-in-Residence at a riad hotel in the kasbah of an Arabic North African city is a lot like trying to write one’s memoirs on shreds of napkins in a nuthouse. Roman Payne