15 Quotes About Sacred Space

The word “sacred” refers to something that is set apart or reserved for a special purpose. In the context of this page, we are referring to sacred space, such as meditation and yoga spaces, which are used to focus on our connection with the universe and each other. This page includes quotes about sacred space.

By bringing a soulful consciousness to gardening sacred space can...
By bringing a soulful consciousness to gardening sacred space can be created outdoors. S. Kelley Harrell
Regardless of geographical region or culture gardening is perhaps the...
Regardless of geographical region or culture gardening is perhaps the most common and shared experience of Nature. S. Kelley Harrell
Have intention, sacred will travel.
Have intention, sacred will travel. S. Kelley Harrell
I’ve often thought of the forest as a living cathedral, but this might diminish what it truly is. If I have understood Koyukon teachings, the forest is not merely an expression or representation of sacredness, nor a place to invoke the sacred; the forest is sacredness itself. Nature is not merely created by God; nature is God. Whoever moves within the forest can partake directly of sacredness, experience sacredness with his entire body, breathe sacredness and contain it within himself, drink the sacred water as a living communion, bury his feet in sacredness, touch the living branch and feel the sacredness, open his eyes and witness the burning beauty of sacredness. Richard Nelson
Much healing can occur through the sexual act with a person you love and trust if the two of you can stay with each other during your most vulnerable moments. You enter into a sacred space, this unknown territory, from which you’ll emerge into new and unexpected states of being. Alexandra Katehakis
Right where you are, the potential of the universe is. Alexandra Katehakis
Then, as now, there would always be people who preferred the option of devoting their religious energies to sacred space over the more difficult duty of compassion. Karen Armstrong
The calm within the storm is where peace lives and breathes. It is not within perfect circumstances or a charmed life... it is not conditional. Peace is a sacred space within, it is the temple of our internal landscape. We are free to visit it, whenever we seek sanctuary. Underneath the chaos of everyday living, peace is patiently awaiting our discovery... go within. Jaeda DeWalt
Create a sacred space to learn more about your body and mind, go on a date with yourself and explore emotions, sensation, desires, dreams, and accept yourself as you are. By spending some time getting to know yourself better, you will know what you have to offer and, it will be easier to ask for what you want. Nityananda Das
Where's your church?"" We're standing in it."" But this is a bookstore and it's a Friday.""Yes, but you might also choose to see it as a cathedral of the human spirit-a storehouse consecrated to the full spectrum of human experience. Just about every idea we've ever had is in here somewhere. A place containing great thinking is a sacred space. Forrest Church
Each place is the right place--the place where I now am can be a sacred space. (3) Ravi Ravindra
If you have been in the vicinity of the sacred - ever brushed against the holy - you retain it more in your bones than in your head; and if you haven’t, no description of the experience will ever be satisfactory. Daniel Taylor
Claim all that is good and powerful in life and make it your own! Jan Porter
Never wade through the pretty ripples of perpetually flowing rivers, until you have looked at their lovely waters, and prayed to them, and washed your hands in the pale enchanting water. Hesiod