8 Quotes About Russian

Just when you think you have read everything about net neutrality, the FCC comes along and makes it worse. Don’t let them get away with this. Tell your friends how you feel about net neutrality, and spread the word! The internet is a wonderful resource that has changed the world in unimaginable ways. Fight for our right to access it freely without being limited by telecom companies or paid lobbyists.

Truth and justice are commonly found in the personality of...
Truth and justice are commonly found in the personality of the paranoid delusional Russian
The Russian soul is a dark place. Fyodor Dostoyevsky
It seems to us that one of the deepest divisions between the Russians and the Americans or British, is in their feeling toward their governments. The Russians are taught, and trained, and encouraged to believe that their government is good, that every part of it is good, and that their job is to carry it forward, to back it up in all ways. On the other hand, the deep emotional feeling among Americans and British is that all government is somehow dangerous, that there should be as little government as possible, that any increase in the power of government is bad, and that existing government must be watched constantly, watched and criticized to keep it sharp and on its toes. John Steinbeck
He offered me a ride up from the abyss and I took it. But a ride with the devil is never free. And accepting that ride can only lead to hell. S.D. Skye
When a presidential candidate is publicly requesting help from the Russians, you know that there is something seriously going wrong in the USA. Steven Magee
So in order to accommodate the Pioneers who would begin arriving in a few weeks, the Arkitects sent up Scouts. The qualifications for being a Scout seemed to be a shocking level of physical endurance, a complete disregard for mortal danger, and some knowledge of how to exist in a space suit. All of them were Russians. Neal Stephenson
The Russians feared Ike. They didn't fear me. Lyndon B. Johnson