3 Quotes About Ro

A true friend is one who brings out the best in us, even if we are doing our best to bring out the worst. Even when we don’t realize it, friends give us the encouragement and support we need to reach our goals and make life what we want it to be. They can be everyone from family members to coworkers, but no matter who they are, they are there for us when we need them most. These relationship quotes about friendship will help you remember the kind of friends who make your life worth living.

It will never belong in a Hallmark card, but I drove a car into a house and killed a man for you. You chained me up for days and I still wanted to come back and talk over our darkly sordid, slightly kinky, and a lot warped relationship. Face it, you're stuck with me. Kylie Scott
I am a vicious and unrepentant killer who should be...
I am a vicious and unrepentant killer who should be locked up. With him, my idiot boyfriend. Kylie Scott