7 Quotes About Romantic Adventure

 “  Forget  your worries, my love.  I'm  going to  walk you  down the  path of  love.  It's  a path  that's  more than  the steps of a love story. It's a path of adventure, mystery, and surprise Read more

I'll walk with you on it. -Prince Henry of Wales" These quotes about love are fun reads that will inspire you to fall in love again. They are the endearing words of Prince Henry of Wales who was born in 1953. He was the eldest son of Queen Elizabeth II and Prince Phillip, Duke of Edinburgh, who was the first-in-line to the British throne before his marriage to Elizabeth.

He is also the younger brother of Charles, Prince of Wales, and Princess Anne. Obviously, he has a knack for love!

She paused and saw him tense in expectation. He wouldn’t like to hear this, but better from her than one of the others. “You aren’t the only pilot I have in my service. And you aren’t the only person with a dark past, though the illegal things that you did, you were forced to do by the Core. But I will tell you what I’ve told the others. This is your last chance. You screw up with me and you get shipped up river. I don’t offer second chances– I offer last chances.” Nope, he didn’t like it. She saw the hand not holding the bottle of beer curl into a fist. Sin and Del, from Sunscapes Trilogy, Book 1: Last Chance. Michelle OLeary
What could I offer the local bad boy except my livelihood? Oh, I know. My body or my planes! Why didn't I think of that? Would you have preferred that I offer him my body, Nic, because I sure as hell wasn't going to sign over either of my planes! Sharon K. Garner
Listen up, Nic, " she said firmly, looking straight into his gray-blue eyes. "If you die on me out here, so help me I'll hold seances and pester you. I won't give you a moment's peace in the hereafter, " she threatened in a fierce whisper. Gabrielle O'Hara, River of Dreams Sharon K. Garner
No one can stop death, Omari. It is normal and certain. And nothing should get in the way of a person’s true destiny. Stephen Whitfield
What you must do, ” she continued, “you will. Your mission will be as clear to you and as demanding as your heartbeat. Everything else is just a waste of your time. Stephen Whitfield
Please do not mistake me for a twopenny villain. I do nothing without a purpose. Donna Thorland