8 Quotes About Romance Novels Book

It’s true that love can make us do crazy things. And, if you’re looking for some of the most romantic quotes to help you pick up your pen and paper to write the next great love story, then look no further.

I’d like to say I’m not dressed up for anyone...
I’d like to say I’m not dressed up for anyone in particular, but that would be a lie. Lisa Daily
No matter what luxuries you have or don't have, life...
No matter what luxuries you have or don't have, life is always beautiful when you are around your loved ones! Swapna Rajput
Whose ideas breathe through me? Am I a thief? Do...
Whose ideas breathe through me? Am I a thief? Do I dream my own dreams? Suzy Davies
Closing my eyes, I breathe in the air around me. When I slowly re-enter the world, I look into the most intense brown eyes I've ever seen. My breathing catches. I can’t look away. Fuck, he's hot. I can literally feel my brain cells frying. Who's dumb as a rock now, Alexis?I feel completely frozen and can’t move. I don’t even think I want to. Blink, Richards, blink."- Alexis What happens to someone who has everything figured out and doesn't let anyone rattle her? To some love is exciting. To her, it's a nuisance. . Kristina Steiner
You were right the first time, Cathy. It was a stupid, silly story. Ridiculous! Only insane people would die for the sake of love. I'llbet you a hundred to one a woman wrote that junky romantic trash! " Just a minute ago I'd despised that author for bringing about such amiserable ending, then there I went, rushing to the defense. "T. M.Ellis could very well have been a man! Though I doubt any woman writerin the nineteenth century had much chance of being published, unlessshe used her initials, or a man's name. And why is it all men thinkeverything a woman writes is trivial or trashy-or just plain sillydrivel? Don't men have romantic notions? Don't men dream of findingthe perfect love? And it seems to me, that Raymond was far moremushy-minded than Lily!. V.C. Andrews
True love is loving yourself thoroughly so that you can love another unconditionally. Elize Amornette
She saw the shallow lines beaded with blood in her long mirror, and when he told her that she was beautiful, she believed him. Astrid Knowles