5 Quotes About Righteousness Of Christ

The righteousness of Christ is the central theme in the New Testament. The whole bible is about how we can become more like Christ and live for Him. If we are like Christ, we will be righteous and not sin. It is our job as Christians to show to others what it means to be like Christ and we need to learn about our Savior and his teachings Read more

This article contains a list of quotes that talk about righteousness and how we can live as His example.

The Kingdom of God is about peace, love, joy and...
The Kingdom of God is about peace, love, joy and righteousness Sunday Adelaja
The only way to be productive is to realize we don't HAVE TO be productive. Our goal is to PLEASE God, not APPEASE God. Matt Perman
What God did for Jesus in standing up for Him, standing behind Him in life and in death, and in standing in communion and solidarity with Him, the Father also does for us, here and now, in our lives. Megan McKenna
Tis a more glorious effect of power to make that holy that was so depraved and under dominion of sin, than to confirm holiness on that which before had nothing of the contrary. Jonathan Edwards