6 Quotes About Queer Theory

Queer theory is a branch of feminist theory that focuses on the representation and construction of sexuality in Western culture. Queer theorists argue that the social identities we’re taught to believe are “natural” or “normal” aren’t always accurate representations of the diversity of human experience. It’s all too easy to get stuck in a world that tells us what we should look like, act like, and love. Take advantage of the queer theory quotes below for inspiration when you doubt your own identity.

To tell a ghost story means being willing to be haunted. Judith Jack Halberstam
If sex is not just about reproduction, it is not just about genes, XY chromosomes, and hormones either. Sex is introduced to explain skeletal structure, mental aptitude, posture, emotional disposition, aesthetic preference, body fat, sexual orientation and responsiveness, athletic ability, social dominance, shape and weight, artistic ability. It is also supposed to explain any number of so-called "instincts", including the nesting instinct, the maternal instinct, and perhaps even the Budweiser instinct. Riki Anne Wilchins
All changes, even the most longed for, have their melancholy; for what we leave behind usis a part of ourselves. We must die to one life before we can enter another Anatole France
In ancient Greece, adolescence was a time when young men left their biological families to become the lovers of adult men. Sexuality was but one element of an affectional and educational relationship in which youths learned the ways of manhood Barry D. Adam
It's difficult to make the argument that one female fist inserted into one male ass--or, for that matter, dozens or even hundreds of fists inserted into as many asses--can really make a difference for, say, lesbian mothers fighting for custody of their children. -Katherine Raymond Carol Queen