3 Quotes About Prune

Prunes are an ancient fruit that have been around for centuries. Their current popularity is relatively recent, but they’ve been a popular treat for longer than people realize. They’re a delicious snack and also the basis of many recipes. As well as being a healthy, nutritious food, prunes are also known to be aphrodisiacs, meaning they can be used as a natural tool to increase your sex drive and improve your love life Read more

Check out the best prune quotes below and see what you can do with them!

The waitress scuttles away, and I make a shooing motion at the old couple who’re still glaring. “Don’t you have something to better to work on?” I hiss. “Like golfing or eating prunes or dying?” The old lady looks shocked. “Okay, sorry, not dying. But seriously, prunes are good for you. Sara Wolf
I had a dream about you. Your skin was sandpaper and your armpits were hollow, filled with dark chocolate and prunes. You offered me coffee and when I said no you handed me black coffee with a note that read "12 reasons not to drink coffee". I knew we would get along. Melody Sohayegh