12 Quotes About Pressure

Everyone has pressures in their life. There are things that you want to do, goals to reach, people to impress, and other goals that are sometimes less tangible. The pressure builds up inside of us, and we feel it even when we don’t realize it. Some people take the pressure out on others or on themselves, while others find ways to cope with the pressure by expressing their emotions Read more

The below collection of wise and humorous quotes about pressures make great gifts for anyone who needs a little pick-me-up.

Mogo living brings about true freedom. When you have the inner conviction to do the most good and the least harm, you are free to say no to media, social, and peer pressures. You are free from a nagging sense that your life does not have value or meaning. You are free to imagine and then create a truly successful (in the deepest meaning on the word) life. You are free to be at peace with yourself and all those whom your life touches. Zoe Weil
The society and surroundings pressures us to do what they...
The society and surroundings pressures us to do what they want us to do and be what they want us to be Sunday Adelaja
As I indicated in an earlier chapter, it is so important to pause and think through some of these basic issues while you are young, before the pressures of job and family become distracting. Everyone must deal with the eternal questions sooner or later. You will benefit, I think, from doing that work now. As I said earlier, whether you are an atheist, a Muslim, a Buddhist, a Jew, a New Ager, an agnostic, or a Christian, the questions confronting the human family are the same. Only the answers will differ. James C. Dobson
When people pressure you to engage in negative decisions and actions, look at them boldly in the eyes and dare them to do good. Unknown
Be careful of those who work so hard to turn you into a victim of the societal pressure they have fallen victims of. Unknown
If there is any pressure to sell yourself cheap in order to be accepted, you truly don't belong there. Unknown
When you consider the many pressures that couples face today, only an iron-clad determination will hold them together for a lifetime. Those who go into marriage with a mushy commitment are likely to wobble and fall apart when the hard times come. And as we all know, hard times will come. James C. Dobson
I wish I had more breaks in life, rather than life breaking me. Anthony Liccione
Aggressiveness, complaints, pressures, drama and polemics can wipe out a favor or a promise and stain a generous deed. Angelica Hopes
I'm not stupid and I'm not brainy. I just lack execution sometimes. I'm more of a "I should have said that" kind of gal. But there will be other days when I'll have a comback that'll knock ya flat and you knows it brov! ha-ha! Ellie Williams
As a king can wear a crown, a crown can also weary a king. Anthony Liccione