100 Quotes About Preparation

Whether you’re going on a trip or preparing for a big test, a little preparation goes a long way. Whether it’s studying for a psychology exam or looking ahead to next week’s activities, get started now with the best quotes about preparation.

The greatest weight a bird gives up when preparing to...
The greatest weight a bird gives up when preparing to fly is fear. Matshona Dhliwayo
Discipline is the result of an action, while refinement is a preparation of your calling. Robin Bertram
Preparation time is necessary for your growth. Trust and believe everything you're going through is preparing you for some request you put out into the Universe. Germany Kent
Your body language is your primary language–and one that every person understands! Although it is non-verbal, evidence suggests that our body language and tone of voice can have a bigger impact and account for more of our communication than the words we speak. Susan C. Young
Your body language continuously communicates for you, whether you are aware of it or not. Are your intended messages being well conveyed? Susan C. Young
One of the most compelling things about you is the energy you put forth–whether it is positive, negative, or neutral. And that is only the beginning. Susan C. Young
The way you walk, talk, stand, and carry yourself sends messages to others that can attract or repel, encourage or discourage, and impress or depress. Susan C. Young
Using your body language to your advantage can not only improve how others perceive you, but can raise your own levels of confidence, competence, and self-esteem. Susan C. Young
Being mindful of your body movement, facial expressions, voice tone, gestures, orientation, postures, and touch will help you project personal excellence for transforming your communications with others. Susan C. Young
Your energy naturally produces a physical presence. I can see a person from across a crowded room and feel his or her energy. Before I've ever met them or shared the same space, I will pick up their vibe to know if she is someone I would like to know or if she is better to avoid. Susan C. Young
Dumb luck and flying by the seat of your pants can only get you so far in life. Susan C. Young
Being prepared prevents us from getting tripped up by unexpected glitches and surprises. Susan C. Young
Emotionally intelligent people trust their instincts and can identify how certain thoughts, feelings, people, and situations make them feel. Susan C. Young
Emotionally intelligent people hold themselves accountable for their behavior, failures, decisions, and successes. Susan C. Young
Being prepared not only reduces our stress level and keeps us from looking stupid, but it builds the confidence that other people have in us that we are dependable, reliable and can be counted upon. Susan C. Young
Just as your body has self-regulating mechanisms, like perspiring to cool you down and shivering to warm you up, you can regulate your emotions according to the circumstances. You can abstain from over-reacting, and you know how to set boundaries and how to say "no. Susan C. Young
Emotionally intelligent people have an ability to manage stress as it happens and remain calm through chaos. Susan C. Young
Emotionally intelligent people think before they speak and exercise discretion. Susan C. Young
Emotionally intelligent people know how to light their own fire to sustain their activities to accomplish your goals. Susan C. Young
Don't you love the sense of personal power you feel when you've got your act together? When your life is in order, you’re organized, and you have everything you need? Susan C. Young
Whether you're delivering a sales presentation to a new client, going on a trip, speaking in front of a thousand people, or handling a customer complaint, when you are prepared, you are more empowered to do your best and perform at a higher level. It feels great! Susan C. Young
Preparation will not only fortify your confidence to approach life from a position of strength, but it will impress other people as well. Susan C. Young
There are few things more important than being prepared–for an interview, an important meeting, selling your home, a new baby–the list goes on. Susan C. Young
Even if what you’re preparing for does not happen, your efforts aren’t for naught. With preparation comes knowledge of each situation, as well as the confidence to handle every new encounter with more grace and ease than the time before. Susan C. Young
Without proper readiness, we’re subject to a 'flub, ' or a costly mistake which might have been easily prevented with some simple homework beforehand. Failing to do so deteriorates credibility and reputation, leaving us vulnerable to an unfavorable impression. Susan C. Young
Discover an interest, a passion, a preference or need your client has, and take the time to give them some small item related to it. By making the extra effort to learn about the person and their business, you become very appealing and much more memorable. Susan C. Young
Living in the age of the Internet and being a part of the information generation, we have unlimited access to an unprecedented wealth of knowledge and learning. We have no excuse to show up to an appointment, a sales call, a date, or an important meeting without learning everything we can to tip the odds in our favor. Susan C. Young
Knowledge imparts a sense of authority. It will help you stand out and give you an edge over your competition. Susan C. Young
Being prepared and sharing your knowledge earns the confidence of those who are interviewing you, depend on your expertise, or seek you out for solutions, answers, or presentations. Susan C. Young
Give yourself and others the gift of your brilliance to deliver a more compelling and memorable presentation. Susan C. Young
Homework doesn’t end when you receive a diploma. Often, it's just the beginning of your learning. Susan C. Young
Doing your homework and being well prepared for appointments is one of the most powerful ways to set yourself apart from your competition to gain and retain new clients. Susan C. Young
If there is someone whom you would really like to impress, learn as much as you can to be informed, enlightened, and aware of them before you meet. Susan C. Young
By performing a simple Google search, a website review, a visit to their LinkedIn profile, or a media release search on the person you are about to meet, you can find out where they’ve been, what they care about, and where they’re going. Whether you learn an interesting fact about a hobby they enjoy, the breed of their dog, or something you both have in common, it will show that you took the time to research and that you care about them as a person. Susan C. Young
Whether you are staying in someone’s home as a house guest, attending a dinner party, or visiting a sick friend, when you bring a “hostess gift” or a thoughtful token, you are providing a gesture of kindness which will extend far beyond your visit. Susan C. Young
Doing your research ahead of time shows that you care about your client and your reputation. Referencing this information will better enable you to ask relevant questions and link their answers to your product or service to create a win-win situation. Susan C. Young
Emotionally intelligent people have the capacity to understand and express their own emotions–you are in touch with your strengths and weaknesses and realize where you might like to make improvements”. Susan C. Young
Emotionally intelligent people can focus their emotions to improve performance and productivity. Susan C. Young
A positive attitude will stimulate creative thinking and constructive problem-solving. Susan C. Young
A positive attitude will elevate your energy and invigorate your tasks. Susan C. Young
A positive attitude will help fortify your courage to build unshakable confidence and self-esteem. Susan C. Young
A positive attitude will help fortify your courage to build unshakable confidence and healthy self-esteem. Susan C. Young
Share your happiness with others–its contagious! Susan C. Young
A positive attitude will empower you to be more resilient to proactively adapt to change. Susan C. Young
A positive attitude will help you edge out cynicism and pessimism to restore hope and optimism. Susan C. Young
When adversity hits, reframe the challenge and find lessons learned; acknowledge gifts that have come from the pain. Susan C. Young
Stretch your imagination to a new dimension with hope and flexibility–opening your world to new possibilities. Susan C. Young
Smile generously at others and you may find that their smiles are returned right back to you. Susan C. Young
Don’t participate or allow yourself to be dragged into other people’s dramas, complaints, or gossip. Susan C. Young
Become a lifelong learner. Read books, watch videos, listen to audio, and seek lessons for learning how to live your best life now. Susan C. Young
Take a moral inventory of ways you may be self-sabotaging and then take proactive steps to change them. Susan C. Young
Be a source of positive energy and inspiration for others. Susan C. Young
Strive to see the best in others, situations, and experiences. Susan C. Young
A positive attitude will help you be more inspiring and motivating to others. Susan C. Young
Celebrate the success of others and they will be happy to see you succeed. Susan C. Young
Be mindful of the words in your mind and in your mouth. Choose to use an affirming and positive vocabulary because your actions and outcomes will follow suit. Susan C. Young
Remember that your attitude towards life determines life’s attitude toward you. At any moment, you can choose to change everything for the better. Susan C. Young
Exercise and get moving to pump up your endorphins and elevate your mood. Take an adult recess. Susan C. Young
Wake up early, do your best, practice self-care, and finish strong. Susan C. Young
You are the only one who can choose your attitude for you. Susan C. Young
The Art of First Impressions for Positive Impact is based on the premise that when you become self-aware and learn how to shine bright as your best self, you can transform your relationships in life and in business. Susan C. Young
Absolutely everything associated with your success is relationship based and emotionally connected. Developing your emotional intelligence is one of the wisest action you can take for personal and professional transformation. Susan C. Young
Developing your emotional intelligence will allow you to explore new depths of understanding in yourself and others. Susan C. Young
Emotional intelligence will give you insight as to why people behave as they do and assist you in areas which you may wish to improve. Susan C. Young
All the elements of greater emotional awareness can weave together to ensure you make a more positive impact. Susan C. Young
Emotional intelligence marks one’s ability to perceive, understand, control, and evaluate his or her emotions. Susan C. Young
Haven’t you known people who seem to have a “sixth sense” super-power when it comes to connecting, communicating, and understanding others? These emotionally intelligent people always know the right things to say to make us feel that we matter. Susan C. Young
Your EQ (emotional quotient) is your capacity to recognize, discriminate, and label emotions accurately and interpret them to help guide your thinking and behavior. Susan C. Young
Create and nurture a mindset that works for you rather than against you. Susan C. Young
Strive to be optimistic rather than pessimistic– forgiving rather than a grudge holder. Susan C. Young
Strive to be a possibility thinker rather than an impossibility thinker. Susan C. Young
Strive to be happy rather than downhearted or miserable–hopeful rather than resigned and doubtful. Susan C. Young
Strive to be pleased and accepting rather than angry and resistant. Susan C. Young
Strive to be daring and brave rather than reluctant or afraid. Susan C. Young
Strive to be a proactive participant rather than a passive procrastinator. Susan C. Young
Strive to be active rather than lethargic–determined rather than wavering or lazy. Susan C. Young
When you make a deliberate effort to keep your thoughts positive, and authentically feel that way, more positive outcomes are inevitable. Susan C. Young
Your mindset buffet is filled with possibilities that can feed your heart, mind, and soul if you will simply serve yourself and go for it! Choose wisely, my friends, choose wisely. Susan C. Young
Your thoughts, beliefs, and interpretations filter how you see everything in your world–and here is the clincher–you get to choose! Susan C. Young
Your thoughts, beliefs, and interpretations initiate and largely determine how you experience your reality. Susan C. Young
You wear your attitude. It is highly visible to every person you meet and shows up in the way act, live, and love. Susan C. Young
Your attitude is the outward expression of your internal perceptions, self-esteem, and current thoughts. Susan C. Young
Mindset and attitude are so tightly intertwined they almost mean the same thing! Susan C. Young
Your attitude is the one thing in this world you have complete control over. You have full command. As empowering as that truth can be, there are some days we let down and give in to a bad attitude. Susan C. Young
When you wake each day, it is your choice if you are going to use your attitude to your advantage or allow it to work against you. Susan C. Young
If you want to fly high and go amazing places, your attitude is crucial. Susan C. Young
Put yourself in the driver seat by designing the best attitude possible to help you get where you need and want to go. Susan C. Young
Throughout my life, I have been blessed with a positive and resilient attitude. I grew up with an alcoholic father and he tested my disposition in more ways than you might imagine. Knowing I couldn't depend on him for positive reinforcement, I clung to my positive attitude like a life preserver to give me the strength for positivity and self-reliance. Otherwise, I would have sunk into the depths of low self-esteem and worthlessness. A positive attitude was my saving grace and it became a habit by choice, day-in and day-out. Susan C. Young
At times, maintaining a positive attitude and outlook takes great risk, courage, toughness, and flexibility. It is not easy to stay positive in a cynical and negative world. Susan C. Young
Remain vigilant and try diligently not to succumb to the soul-sucking, mind-numbing, ill-mannered attitudes that seem so prevalent in the world today. Susan C. Young
I have known many people who have been incredibly successful in life. It was not necessarily because they had immense talent, brilliance, an expensive education, or exemplary skills. It was because they had an extraordinary attitude to take on life with love, passion, conviction, consistency, and hard work. What they all had in common was getting their minds right and becoming positive thinkers–which activated their potential to achieve remarkable things and build strong relationships. . Susan C. Young
Developing a positive attitude is one of the most transformational things you can do to shift your mindset, improve your disposition, manifest good things, and attract quality people into your life. Susan C. Young
The benefits you will enjoy with a positive attitude have a multiplier effect and exponentially impact your personal well-being. Susan C. Young
A positive attitude will not only make you more fun to be around, but it will bring more happiness and joy both into your life and the lives of those around you. Susan C. Young
Surround yourself with positive people who ignite your energy and spirit. Susan C. Young
Believe in your power to make happiness a choice–do so every day, until it becomes a lifelong habit. Susan C. Young
A positive attitude feels a heck of a lot better than a negative one. Susan C. Young
Learn to leverage the Law of Cause and Effect to your advantage in positive ways! Susan C. Young
Many people go through life complaining, whining, and obsessing so much about what they don’t have that they are doing exactly what it takes to block it. Susan C. Young
Would you like to feel a calm confidence when you walk into a room full of strangers, knowing that you can start new a conversation with anyone? Susan C. Young