3 Quotes About Practical Application

This collection of practical-application quotes will inspire you to take action and live your best life. Whether you’re taking on a new challenge, trying something new, or just want to start over, this collection of practical-application quotes will be sure to help you embrace your goals and dreams.

The key then to attaining this higher level of intelligence is to make our years of study qualitatively rich. We don't simply absorb information - we internalize it and make it our own by finding some way to put this knowledge to practical use. Robert Greene
Will fluorine ever have practical applications? It is very difficult to answer this question. I may, however, say in all sincerity that I gave this subject little thought when I undertook my researches, and I believe that all the chemists whose attempts preceded mine gave it no more consideration. A scientific research is a search after truth, and it is only after discovery that the question of applicability can be usefully considered. Henri Moissan