10 Quotes About Plamen Chetelyazov

I have dedicated my life to a doomed struggle against reality and the things that cannot be otherwise Plamen Chetelyazov
For everyone has a destiny. A destiny not found in the pages of a hefty book; a destiny not found in heaven or in hell. No, our destinies are embedded in our bodies. Plamen Chetelyazov
I am going to add a cold beer. Why not a bottle of whiskey? Because my story is cheap and cannot afford such props. Goddamn, even my imagination is not wealthy enough to order a bottle of Jack! Plamen Chetelyazov
The person in love finds only a dream, a notion, an ideal. You fall in love with nothing but your own dreams–the only carriers of your true longings. Sometimes you manage to personify your dreams in another. Sometimes it’s not a single-player game. This doesn’t make love any less primal or selfish. Plamen Chetelyazov
The junkie ignites his feelings with ugly synthetic substances, and the emotions that were meant to last for a lifetime burn away in full force in a couple of short years. Plamen Chetelyazov
The earliest childhood memories are woven by shadows. And some of these shadows are woven from fire. Plamen Chetelyazov
Dependence on drugs is not a disease, it is not a virus, it is not something that stalks only the dregs of society. Drug addiction is REALIZED EMOTIONAL DEFICIENCY SYNDROME. Plamen Chetelyazov
Most people are dependent on legal drugs but this is somehow not an obstacle to seeing an enemy in every underground addict. Plamen Chetelyazov
Usually it`s like this: I sit down and drink with the idea of clarifying just where I am going with my life, and then, after a while, I am unable even to stand on my feet Plamen Chetelyazov