7 Quotes About Phury

A phury is a group of people who live by the code of the phury. A phury has no master except the one who created them. They believe in equality and justice for all, and do not take their possessions from others without reason. The phury is dedicated to protecting and defending those who cannot protect themselves Read more

They do not kill or hurt those who are weaker than they, unless absolutely necessary.

Falling into ruin was a bit like falling in love:...
Falling into ruin was a bit like falling in love: Both descents stripped you bare and left you as you were at your core. And both endings are equally painful. J.r. Ward
Z: "You know, this was a hell of a lot easier when you were out cold in the back of that truck." Phury: "That was you?" Z:" You think it was Santa Claus or some shit? J.r. Ward
She silenced him with her mouth, then pulled back. "You can't change what I think of you." He reached up and brushed her lower lip with his thumb." If you truly knew me, everything you believe would change."" Your heart would be the same. And that is what I love. J.r. Ward
From out of nowhere, Phury felt an overwhelming tide of guilt, like someone had popped the lid off allhis deepest concerns and his fears for the future of the race. He had to respond to it, couldn't bear thepressure. Riding the wave, he found himself saying in a rush, "We live and die for our kind. The species is our firstand only concern. We fight every night and count the jars of thelessers we kill. Stealth is the way weprotect the civilians. The less they know about us, the safer they are. That is why we disappeared. J.r. Ward
Someone put opera on inside the house. Someone changed it to hip-hop, thank God. Someone started a shower. Someone vacuumed. Again.Life. In all its mundane majesty. And you couldn't take advantage of it if you were sitting on your ass in the shadows... whether it was in actuality, or metaphorically because you were trapped in an attic's darkness. J.r. Ward
Sometimes your whole life could hinge on a fraction of an inch. Or the beat of nanosecond. Or the knock on a door. Kind of made a male believe in the divine. It really did. J.r. Ward