7 Quotes About Persecution Of Christian

One of the most important lessons to learn from the life of Christ is the importance of being an advocate for him. In his time, he was often persecuted by people who did not understand him or his teachings. At times he had to defend himself and his followers against violence and hatred. Although today we may not be persecuted by people who don’t understand us, we can still find ourselves in a situation where our beliefs are misunderstood or rejected Read more

We must always be on guard for what our actions may say to others, especially when we are trying to do good things for them. If you want to be a good advocate Christ’s Way, read this collection of quotes about being a good advocate of Christ’s Way.

Persecution for Christians is not a possibility, it's a promise,...
Persecution for Christians is not a possibility, it's a promise, it's not a maybe, it's a surely! Following Jesus can mean finding the trouble you've been looking for! Kingsley Opuwari Manuel
We cannot please all men but we can be a blessing to many. Mac Canoza
Islamo-Fascism is NOT the result of economic deprivation or legitimate blowback because of Western foreign policies or even heinous drone attacks on Muslim civilians. All non- Muslims as Infidels, regardless of their faith or lack of it, are in an ideological war with a demonized, freedom-hating Muslim death-cult rooted in their accurate interpretation of the Qur'an! Gary Patton
Anyone who prays for the death of his enemy must consider who tempted Jesus Christ, the persecution of the apostles and the Psalm 23 of David Ernest Agyemang Yeboah
You regard us here neither as thieves nor as robbers. Today, as in the time of Pilate, Christ the Savior is accused. Once again there is mocking and scorn, slander and noisy jubilance. But he remains yet, and his glance embraces sinners with unending compassion. Unknown
It is a persistent evil to persecute a man who belongs to the grace of God. It is a calamity without remedy to hate the happy. Cyprian