8 Quotes About Pass

Whether you’re in high school or in your fifties, people tend to have different experiences throughout their lives. However, regardless of age, the qualities that make up a good student are no different than they are for someone who has just graduated college. Here are the best quotes about being a good student.

Time is deceptive, it gives you an impression that its...
Time is deceptive, it gives you an impression that its with you but passes away without your knowledge Topsy Gift
Have you ever noticed how we often live on the surface of our lives? Each day is like the previous day. Time passes, and we continue to feel like we’re living a life less than we deserve. So, dive deeper into your life, and discover what lies below the surface…. James A. Murphy
Time passes irrevocably. Virgil
The pain passes, but the beauty remains. Auguste Renoir
Imagination is at the root of much that passes for love. Gilbert Parker
Democracy passes into despotism. Plato
Peace is when time doesn't matter as it passes by. Maria Schell