4 Quotes About Over Protectiveness

 Our parents are an important part of who we are today. They helped shape us, molded our personalities, and taught us important life lessons. But it can be hard to accept some of the things they did to try to protect us. We learn so much from our parents that we often forget that this is just one of the ways they see the world Read more

We sat down together to compile the best over-protectiveness quotes for parents who want their kids to be independent and healthy individuals.

Casey doesn't trust him."" Casey doesn't trust anyone, " I replied. "He's paranoid like that. I mean, come on, he's a werewolf who installed a nanny cam in his kids' room." I pointed my spoon at Ali for emphasis. "A nanny cam. Jennifer Lynn Barnes
There are a hundred ways in which a boy can injure–if not indeed kill–himself. The more adventurous he is and the greater his initiative, the more ways he will find. If you protect him from each of the first hundred, he is sure to find the hundred and first. Though most men can look back on their boyhood and tremble at the narrowness of some of their escapes, most boys do in fact survive more or less intact, and the wise father is the trusting father. . Christopher Milne
The more you care, the more you fear. Wayne Gerard Trotman