4 Quotes About Others May Follow

You may not want to be “the one” who always takes the lead, but you’re not alone. It’s a difficult task to get others to follow your lead. You may feel pressure from your peers, parents, or even from yourself. But this is one of the most difficult tasks we have in life, and we can feel more confident when we look for inspiration from others who have succeeded in the same areas of our lives that we need help with Read more

Follow these great leaders, and you can learn how they inspired others to follow their lead instead of waiting for them to lead.

Kindness is universal. Sometimes being kind allows others to see...
Kindness is universal. Sometimes being kind allows others to see the goodness in humanity through you. Always be kinder than necessary. Germany Kent
To be a leader, be an example that others may follow. Debasish Mridha
If you do not know you can always ask, but if you do not know never answer wrong. Ransonbrown