5 Quotes About Orson Scott Card

In the famous science fiction series Ender's Game, author Orson Scott Card has created a character that personifies the qualities of a great leader. Though he is a genius, Ender Wiggin is more of a good-natured genius who relies on his leadership skills and strong moral compass to guide him through turbulent times. Regardless of the situation, Ender's leadership skills propel him to achieve great things and make a positive impact on those around him. Check out these wise quotes from Ender's Game about leadership and good leadership that will help you lead the way towards your goals.

As often I have been a science fiction writer writing science fiction for the community of science fiction readers, I am also, for good or ill, an American writing American literature to an American audience. Most fundamentally, though, I am a human being writing human literature to a human audience. Orson Scott Card
...What I depend on is a vigorous audience that can discover sweetness and light, beauty and truth, beyond the ability of the artist, on his own, to create them. Orson Scott Card
All these uses a valid; all these reading of the book are "correct". For all these readers have placed themselves inside this story, not as spectators, but as participants, and so have looked at the world of Ender's Game, not with my eyes only, but also with their own. Orson Scott Card
Because never in my entire childhood did I feel like a child. I felt like a person all along―the same person that I am today. Orson Scott Card