7 Quotes About Orpheu

Orpheus was often known as the bard of the underworld. He was a musician, poet, and playwright who played many roles including poet, musician, and prophet. His poem The descent of Orpheus into the Underworld is one of the most famous pieces of Greek mythology. We all have our own version of what it means to fall in love Read more

One thing’s for sure: love can be a wild ride! If you want to know more about what it means to fall in love, check out these quotes about love from Orpheus below.

Yet the story of Orpheus, it occurs to me, is not just about the desire of the living to resuscitate the dead but about the ways in which the dead drag us along into their shadowy realm because we cannot let them go. So we follow them into the Underworld, descending, descending, until one day we turn and make our way back. Meghan ORourke
The one so loved that a single lyreraised more lament than lamenting women ever did;and that from the lament a world arose in whicheverything was there again: woods and valleyand path and village, field and river and animal;and around this lament-world, just asaround the other earth, a sunand a starry silent heaven turned, a lament-heaven of disordered stars -- :This one so loved. Rainer Maria Rilke
It was generally believed, said Theophilus, that Orpheus learned his music from the birds. His small voice, piping after theirs, filled with all the secret stories of the earth. Ann Wroe
Time slipped and slid around him, unanchored by any fact that could be verified. Perhaps it did not matter. 'Where does our story take place, and when?' asked Cocteau at the start of Orphée. 'It's the privilege of legends to be ageless. Comme il vous plaira. As you please. Ann Wroe
[Hades] returned his attention to the playlist while I eased the car back on the road. His fingers flipped deftly over the screen. 'Orpheus..Dusk..Orpheus..Dusk..do you have anything on here that doesn't make people want to jump off a cliff?'. . 'I'm driving. When you learn to drive something more modern than a horse and buggy, we can listen to your music.'' I can drive! '' Did they even have cars the last time you can to the surface?' I teased.' Yes.'' Not counting the minute and a half you spent rescuing me last year?' Hades fell silent, and I laughed. 'I didn't think so. Kaitlin Bevis
Tuning must come first. Each recital begins with a careful tightening of the pegs on the cross-bar, twisting them in their socket of red threads as each string is plucked and tested. He uses his thumb for this, softer and subtler than the plectrum, his head bent to the vibrating string and his lips slightly open, breathing quickly, as over the body of a lover. Ann Wroe