5 Quotes About Optic

If you’re a student, you know how important it is to get good grades. But getting good grades isn’t the only thing that matters. Grades are just one piece of the puzzle. You have bigger goals and aspirations for your future Read more

Well, what if grades are the only thing that matters? Would you still strive for excellence? Would you strive for greatness? Would you just settle for mediocrity? Read the collection of great optics quotes below about being great instead of good.

He was always acting, always enveloping himself in artificiality, perhaps to conceal the volcano within. Barbara W. Tuchman
Snow cleaning of the world's largest telescope mirrors was an impressive sight. The optics technicians would climb into a huge telescopic boom lift and spray immense clouds of cold carbon dioxide snow and gas onto the ten meter diameter mirrors high above the floor indoors. It would cause some of the accumulated dirt to magically fall off, leaving it less dirty. Steven Magee
David would wear no purple cloth, no symbols of his kingship, when he went to greet the ark. In its presence, we were all of us servants. Geraldine Brooks
Scarlett activated the viola and it came down like short shimmering curtain that covered her eyes with a band of violet light. It dilated her eyes, increasing her binocular summation so that everything in her field of vision was magnified and clear. It also protected her retinas from any sort of laser fire or plasma flash. April Adams