24 Quotes About Near Death Experience

Near-death experiences (NDEs) are powerful life-changing events that happen when someone is close to death. People who have had NDEs describe events that seem real but were not real. The body is still alive, but the mind is functioning in another place. NDEs occur after an injury or attack, or when people are near death Read more

The person may experience being in a tunnel, seeing light at the end of it, hearing a voice, floating above their body, or feeling that they have died and are being taken somewhere. These quotes about near-death experiences are based on firsthand accounts by people who have experienced various stages of this phenomenon.

Nanak’s encounter of God and God’s court was in fact a profound hallucinatory Near-Death Experience caused by drowning that strengthened his pre-conceived notion of a rational, compassionate and unorthodox society. Abhijit Naskar
I detach myself from preconceived outcomes and trust that all is well. Being myself allows the wholeness of my unique magnificience to draw me in those directions most beneficial to me and to all others. This is really the only thing I have to do. And within that framework, everything that is truly mine comes into my life effortlessly, in the most magical and unexpected ways imaginable, demonstrating every day the power and love of who I truly am. . Anita Moorjani
I believe that the greatest truths of the universe don't lie outside, in the study of the stars and the planets. They lie deep within us, in the magnificence of our heart, mind, and soul. Until we understand what is within, we can't understand what is without. Anita Moorjani
Whoever has experienced near-death, knows how gracious, it is to be alive. Lailah Gifty Akita
I really should talk to him. He's had a near-death experience! ”" We all have. It's called living."( Hogfather) Terry Pratchett
I am so glad that God miraculously save my life at near-death. Lailah Gifty Akita
The sensation that you experience in the body, is your spirit, but it’s so attached, that it’s hard to imagine, that the sensation can ever be separated from the physical body. In long hours of meditation, you can separate your sensation from the physical body. Roshan Sharma
I tried to concentrate on the angel's voice instead." Bella, please! Bella, listen to me, please, please, please, Bella, please! " he begged. Yes, I wanted to say. Anything. But I couldn't find my lips. "Carlisle! " the angel called, agony in his perfect voice. "Bella, Bella, no, oh please, no, no! " And the angel was sobbing tearless, broken sobs. The angel shouldn't weep, it was wrong. I tried to find him, to tell him everything was fine, but the water was so deep, it was pressing on me, and I couldn't breathe. Stephenie Meyer
His eyesight was possessed by the colours of trauma, cracking and bubbling like an old Super Eight film to remind him of his near-death drowning some two months ago in that very moment when he needed to act. Luke Taylor
The coma carried me into a world where time and space seemed to vanish; it was a dreamlike existence in which people, places, and situations shifted as quickly as thoughts. I had a profound sense of being at a crossroads, a turning point, somewhere between death and life... Hal Zina Bennett
Time’s relativity is considered and abandoned, for the more revelatory experiences of starlightin strands, and pearly floors that span as far as absolute compassion... Kristen Henderson
Isn't the human body a miracle Shane Flynn
Our eternal spiritual self is more real than anything we perceive in this physical realm, and has a divine connection to the infinite love of the Creator. Eben Alexander
So, was the crime lab a reward for almost being killed?'' No, it was a reward for not being Bryce, Beverly Connor
Unworthy as I am, he allowed me to go to heaven, and I know the next time I go there, I’ll stay. Don Piper
Jenny retained a flimsy essence of the truth. It was a quiet knowing she'd always hold in her heart...'' Broken Mirror by Oliver Rixon Oliver Rixon
Jenny sensed the energy of the cosmos. It was like a harmonious orchestra vibrating the universe into existence.' Broken Mirror by Oliver Rixon Oliver Rixon
In that nanosecond of enlightenment I knew that the human spirit survives the death of the physical body and I understood that my wandering soul needed to get back into its earthly habitat. Janet Bettag
Let's get going. I don't like being alone out here. The sooner we can blend in with the Imperial population the safer we'll be. It's not hard to cross here, " Mari added as they waded through the stream. "We are fortunate, " Alain told her. "It is more difficult downstream." She felt a shadow cross her mind. "Where that bridge was? Where you almost died?"" Yes."" I'm really proud of you for that, but don't do it again. I'm being selfish. I need you." Mari waved one finger at Alain. "Don't be a hero?" He regarded her impassively. "Even if you need a hero? . Jack Campbell
He felt entombed and stifled and desperately craved oxygen. He vainly raised the question: Why have you forsaken me?' Call my mother, ' he yelled. He had meant to say: I'm dying. Please call a priest. The shadowy Presence, who had been in a panic, rushed over to him and, disregarding the fact that it was live, pushed the cable aside.' You're alive, ' the Presence said in breathless tones. 'Mamma's here to help.' The elevator continued to descend, creating a vacuum. Barnes gasped for breath.' Breathe in, breathe out, ' the Presence urged. She tapped his pulse rapidly with two fingers. 'Come on, you can do it. One, two, three. Breathe in. Mamma's here to help.' .. In his delirium he thought that indeed his mother was here to help. However, in all of Barnes's twenty-nine years of so-called living, his mother had never come so comfortingly close as this. Joseph G. Peterson
I found myself back in the sepulchral city resenting the sight of people hurrying through the streets to filch a little money from each other, to devour their infamous cookery, to gulp their unwholesome beer, to dream their insignificant and silly dreams. They trespassed upon my thoughts. They were intruders whose knowledge of life was to me an irritating pretence, because I felt so sure they could not possibly know the things I knew. Their bearing, which was simply the bearing of commonplace individuals going about their business in the assurance of perfect safety, was offensive to me like the outrageous flauntings of folly in the faces of a danger it is unable to comprehend. . Joseph Conrad
Treasures are hidden and hard to find but if we could find a real treasure, it will shine our lives. In the similar way ultimate reality is hidden and hard to find but if we could find it, it will shine our lives. Muditha Champika
I have spent much of my life around death. I have sat with people as they died. I have listened to others relate near-death experiences. I have studied theology and am aware of what scriptures and religions say about life and death. And I have come to the conclusion that death is not to be feared. Moreover, when it is time for me to move out of this tenement in which I am housed, I intend to look forward to it joyfully. Steve Goodier