11 Quotes About Mood Disorder

The symptoms of mood disorders are varied and can be difficult to recognize. Mood disorders can affect a person’s daily life, social relationships, and even lead to thoughts of suicide. These quotes about mood disorders will help you recognize the symptoms of a mood disorder or how to deal with a loved one who may have a mental illness. They also provide a brief overview on what mood disorders are and how they affect people.

I have never seen battles quite as terrifyingly beautiful as...
I have never seen battles quite as terrifyingly beautiful as the ones I fight when my mind splinters and races, to swallow me into my own madness, again. Nicole Lyons
Many so-called disorders of the mind are simply disorders of thought. Vironika Tugaleva
My sadness is beautiful. It infuses everything I do. It is at the core of my identity and always has been, just as happiness is in some people. I refuse to be told that it's a flaw. I will not mute it with medications for the sake of society. I will hold it close to me and celebrate it rightfully while the rest of the world fails to see it for what it is and it will be their loss. Ashly Lorenzana
If I can't feel, if I can't move, if I can't think, and I can't care, then what conceivable point is there in living? Kay Redfield Jamison
Except you cannot outrun insanity, anymore than you can outrun your own shadow. Alyssa Reyans
There's a quote from 'The Breakfast Club' that goes "We're all pretty bizarre. Some of us are just better at hiding it." I have it on a poster but I took a Sharpie to it and scratched out the word "hiding" because it reminds me that there's a certain pride and freedom that comes from wearing your unique bizarreness like a badge of honor. Unknown
It is in my head! That's why it's called Mental Illness. Roni AskeyDoran
Mental illness is not in the business of making sense of itself. Roni AskeyDoran
Many people suffer alone and in silence because they are scared or ashamed. They feel weak…or pitiful. How can a person be incapable of having joy? “Why can’t I just have a good time? Why can’t I get on with it?” And for those in the spotlight who live under the microscope of public scrutiny fear being discovered, ridiculed, and shunned should their illness be discovered. So they wear a mask for the public, and sometimes even for themselves. . Sahar Abdulaziz
The smile of the morning doesn't judge the day. Auliq Ice