10 Quotes About Metum

Not all quotes are inspirational. In fact, the majority of them aren’t. But when it comes to being a wise person, a funny one, or an insightful one, there is no better way to live your life than by learning from the words of others who have gone before you. Let these meta quotes inspire you in your own personal journey.

Now I existed solely thanks to the quantum paradox, my brain a collection of qubits in quantum superposition, encoding truths and memories, imagination and irrationality in opposing, contradictory states that existed and didn't exist, all at the same time. Robin Wasserman
I remember the will said, 'May God thy gold refine.'...
I remember the will said, 'May God thy gold refine.' That must be from the Bible.""Shakespeare, " Turtle said. All quotations were either from the Bible or Shakespeare. Ellen Raskin
As far as I'm concerned, you can't beat a good whodunnit: the twists and turns, the clues and the red herrings and then, finally, the satisfaction of having everything explained to you in a way that makes you kick yourself because you hadn't seen it from the start. Anthony Horowitz
That friend of hers has got to go, though. You're lucky you got stuck with that Dexter guy instead of Dexter Palmer
A monster crosses over into the everyday world. The mortals struggle and show great courage, but it’s no use. The monster kills first the guilty, then the innocent, until finally only one remains. The Last Boy, the Last Girl. There is a final battle. The Last One suffers great wounds, but in the final moment vanquishes the monster. Only later does he or she recognize that this is the monster’s final trick; the scars run deep, and the awareness of the truth grows like an infection. The Last One knows that the monster isn’t dead, only sent to the other side. There it waits until it can slip into the mundane world again. Perhaps next time it will be a knife-wielding madman, or a fanged beast, or some nameless tentacled thing. It’s the monster with a thousand faces. The details matter only to the next victims. Daryl Gregory
You mean old books?"" Stories written before space travel but about space travel."" How could there have been stories about space travel before --""The writers, " Pris said, "made it up. Philip K. Dick
Was I (am I not still?) a victim of words and books merely, and are books just an excuse for living, living things out in parenthesis, even in the most desolate stony place as I was, quotations and misquotations raining down on me thick and fast — words, words, words — the multitude of words, a parody of rain? For after all, as old Mrs Feany said, the rain is healthy. And the rain it raineth everyday. But the stuff of books and solitude and spying on the poor, could they be healthy? Or were my doubts the real heresy and treason? What book ever changed the world? It seems a solipsism to say that what changes the way we see the world, changes the world, but it is not. Where do you want me to begin? The Bible, Das Kapital? The Divine Comedy, The Satanic Verses?. Andrew McNeillie
I will break your heart over a fucking library card. Patrick Rothfuss
I'm sorry you lost the suit, ' he said. She shrugged.' At this point, it was mostly a metaphor anyway, ' she said... James S.A. Corey