11 Quotes About Mercy Of God

Mercy of God is a trust in the Lord that allows us to receive healing, deliverance, and forgiveness from those we have wronged. Mercy is the ability to forgive and relieve others of pain. Mercy not only extends to those we love, but also to those who hurt us, as well as ourselves. Trusting in the mercy of God is a powerful way to overcome our past and live with hope for our future.

Rejoice and thank God in the midst of your storms....
Rejoice and thank God in the midst of your storms. For those people who have been through hell and back but continue to have smiles on their faces, they are the examples of God’s grace and mercy Latorria Freeman
He hasn't earned your your mercy." Nessy replied, "Mercy isn't earned. It's given. A. Lee Martinez
God had spoken to His people through His Word. It had humbled them in their sins, but it had lifted them up to see the grace and mercy of God, and then had directed them into a new life of obedience. In all our desperate searching for ways to find joy, God is telling us that we will never find joy like the joy of knowing God, being humbled in our sins, experiencing His grace, and walking in a life of obedience. Colin S. Smith
The love of God knows no end. Lord may your boundless and unfailing love surround us. Lailah Gifty Akita
Our job on earth isn't to criticize, reject, or judge. Our purpose is to offer a helping hand, compassion, and mercy. We are to do unto others as we hope they would do unto us. Dana Arcuri
He tells people that they can no more expect justice in the afterlife than in the mortal plane, but he doesn't do this to dissuade them from worshipping God; on the contrary, he encourages them to do so. What he insists on is that they not love God under a misapprehension, that if they wish to love God, they be prepared to do so no matter His intentions. God is not just, God is not kind, God is not merciful, and understanding that is essential to true devotion. Ted Chiang
It is well for us when prayers about our sorrows are linked with pleas concerning our sins–when, being under God's hand, we are not wholly taken up with our pain, but remember our offences against God. Charles Haddon Spurgeon
Just words of mercy or touches of kindness can take a sad heart into singing Jesus love me John M. Sheehan
I love my wife but I spend a lot of time with grace and mercy Shon Hyneman
Joseph went from prison toprime minister from trials to triumph, from scar-weary to stardom. Ikechukwu Joseph