6 Quotes About Mcdonald

We were poor back then. Not living in a cardboard carton poor, not “we might have to eat the dog” poor, but still poor. Poor like, no insurance poor, and going to McDonald's was a really big excitement poor, wearing socks for gloves in the winter poor, and collecting nickels and dimes from the washing machine because she never got allowance, that kind of poor… poor enough to be nostalgic about poverty. So, when my mom and dad took me here for my tenth birthday, it was a really big deal. They’d saved up for two months to take me to the photography store and they bought me a Kodak Instamatic film camera… I really miss those days, because we were still a real family back then… this mall doesn’t even have a film photography store anymore, just a cell phone and digital camera store, it’s depressing… . Rebecca McNutt
Globalization by the way of McDonald’s and KFC has captured the hearts, the minds, and from what I can see through the window, the growing bellies of the folks here. Raquel Cepeda
I couldn't open up a magazine, you couldn't read a newspaper, you couldn't turn on the TV without hearing about the obesity epidemic in America. Morgan Spurlock
Old McDonald had a restaurant, E, I, E, I, O, And in that restaurant was some beef, E, I, E, I, O, With a moo moo here, And a moo moo there. Here a moo, there a moo, Everywhere a moo moo cholesterol filled death trap burger. Harry Whitewolf
And now here I was in McDonald's again for the first time since my earlier fracas. I vowed to behave myself, but McDonald's is just too much for me. I ordered a chicken sandwich and a Diet Coke.'Do you want fries with that?' the young man serving me asked. I hesitated for a moment, and in a pained but patient tone said: 'No. That's why I didn't ask for fries, you see.'' We're just told to ask like, ' he said.' When I want fries, generally I say something like, "I would like some fries, too, please." That's the system I use.'' We're just told to ask like, ' he repeated.' Do you need to know the other things I don't want? It is quite a long list. In fact, it is everything you serve except for the two things I asked for.'' We're just told to ask like, ' he repeated yet again, but in a darker voice, and deposited my two items on a tray and urged me, without the least hint of sincerity, to have a nice day. I realized that I probably wasn't quite ready for McDonald's yet. . Bill Bryson