13 Quotes About Mature Ya

Life is filled with successful, confident people who are confident that they are the best. Yet, many of us are afraid to take that next step into the unknown. It seems so risky to leave the safety of the crowd and assume something bigger. It’s easy to look at others who have accomplished great things, take notes, and work towards being more like them Read more

But if you don’t have what it takes to do things your way, then what’s the point? If you want to go big in life, then be brave. Here are some quotes about being brave in life for when you just need a little nudge into that next level of success.

It's not that I can't live without you; it's that I don't want to. There's a difference. We all make choices in life and I choose you. My heart belongs to you. And I'm not asking for it back, even if you won't want it anymore. I'm just asking for a chance to have your again. I promise I'll be more careful with it this time. J. Sterling
There will come a time in your life when you lose something that matters to you. You'll fight for it and you won't win. But what really matters isn't the war you're waging, it's that you don't lose the person you are in the midst of the battle. J. Sterling
I mean, that was the code, wasn’t it? Single girls and taken guys weren’t allowed to be friends. The leash always got in the way. Carrie Butler
One second she’s all timid, and then reeoowr! Hellcat. Carrie Butler
All because I fell in love with a madman. Carrie Butler
My hopes for pie died on the sidewalk. There went my grin. Carrie Butler
I blink rapidly, breaking our reverie and force myself to focus on something, anything, other than his beauty. Or his body. A body I want pressed against mine, limbs and tongues twisted and tangled, our flesh contortioned into X-rated abstract art... S.L. Jennings
Who would want to be the prey in a world full of hunters?~ Disarming( Reign of Blood #2) Alexia Purdy
I nipped little kisses along his jawline. God, I just couldn't keep my hands or lips off of him. "God, you are the most delicious thing I have ever tasted." He laughed. "That's something the vampire should be saying to you, not the other way around. Tish Thawer
Rose, come here." Christian grabbed my hand and guided me back down on the couch next to him. Tish Thawer
Yes, I'm hungry. Horny, too! The thought of feeding from you is a most delectable idea and it's playing havoc with my brain as well as other parts of my body." He sat up and scooted closer to me... Tish Thawer
I'm sorry. I didn't know what else to do, " I breathed, trying hard to pretend I wasn't fazed by what just happened. "You weren't listening to me." He stared at me with intensity for several seconds. "That's an interesting way to get my attention. Alicia Kobishop