4 Quotes About Mastered

Think you have what it takes to be an expert? If so, check out these quotes about mastery. Mastery is the ability to control the means and methods of a specific field of study. Mastery can come from many different fields including sports, music, and business. Mastering any skill is a huge accomplishment and there are people who would argue that no one will ever truly master something Read more

Still, we can all strive to learn and grow in our fields of expertise. Here are some great quotes about mastering certain skills and becoming an expert in your area of expertise.

The modern human has mastered the art of building toxic homes and cities. Steven Magee
The mind is weak, and it must be mastered, controlled. The body, it knows no master save for instinct and, unfortunately, it is built for terminal suffering. Jennifer Arnett
Rules. Even as the world of phone and computer sex (and dominance) were full of their own rules, so was the new world of doing-it-for real. And some of these new rules, (OK, most of them, Robin admitted) were just as silly as the ones she had learned and followed before. Safe words, for example. Magic words that when said by the bottom, stopped a scene so that some kind of inconvenient or dangerous activity could be halted. Robin had nothing against the concept..... Having a code to use so that you're free to pull against the bondage or whimper "no, no, no" seemed to be a great idea. But having all these possible ways to orchestrate what was happening seemed, well, contrary to the point.... I want to feel that I can't stop it. I want to be really mastered, taken over by someone who isn't goin to stop doing things because I'm not getting off on it. Someone who knows enough not to endanger me, unless that was what was intended..... Laura Antoniou