3 Quotes About Mascara

Some people think of mascara as part of beauty and the whole package, while others see it as a necessary evil. What mascara actually is can vary from person to person. Some prefer the subtle definition of mascara, while others prefer the dramatic look of real eyelashes. While there is no wrong way to use mascara, some people just don’t care for it at all Read more

Whatever your opinion, there are still some nice mascara quotes available to help you do your makeup in style.

She looked into the mirror, wiping the mascara that was running down her cheeks with her tears and she saw him standing behind her. With that smile he always had. She touched his reflection and turned around to hug him just to see no one there. She turned back around and looked at the mirror, there he was still standing with that smile. She fell on her knees and said in a feeble voice "come back". Akshay Vasu
Antoinette had squinty eyes she could barely open under the six pounds of mascara and teal eye shadow she must’ve applied with a paint roller, and lips that were puckered on a permanent basis as if she were storing lemons in the deep recesses of her jowls. She smelled like a bull that got loose in a perfume shop, and had pointy high heeled shoes that threatened to burst out the sides at any moment from the pressure of being three sizes too small. Nicole Castle