6 Quotes About Mary Stewart

The following are the top mary-stewart quotes. As life is, so are your relationships. The way you relate to others is always a reflection of yourself. It is often said that life is full of ups and downs, but the people you choose to be close to are the ones who will always be there for you during your ups and downs. Choose wisely, because you will end up creating a world of ups and downs by the decisions you make about who to give your time, affection, and money to. You cannot control other people's choices or actions, but you can control how you respond to them Read more

The quality of your life depends on how well you accept other people's choices and actions. Don't spend your life looking for love. Love is not something that can be found or bought or rented. Love comes from inside, from the heart, from the soul, from our very being.

We are born into love. We don't have to search for it or look for it or buy it or rent it or borrow it or borrow it from someone else. We just know it's there all along inside us. Just because two people care about each other doesn't mean they'll always agree about everything .

It's vital to remember that there are no absolute truths , only preferences . There are no right answers , but there are many wrong ones . If you want true understanding , you must tune in not only to what the person says , but also to what she feels .

If she feels insecure, she may say one thing but feel another altogether . You can't change other people's feelings , but you can learn how to handle them better . What we call "love" is really friendship with a happy ending One person grows; another withers; still another dies; and yet another survives It's all part of the circle of life So enjoy every minute now because one day soon it will all be over

The essence of wisdom is to know when to be doing, and when it's useless even to try Mary Stewart
The gods do not visit you to remind you what...
The gods do not visit you to remind you what you know already. Mary Stewart
Used every man according to his capacity.
Used every man according to his capacity. Mary Stewart
Well, what was luck for if it was never to be tempted? Mary Stewart
...kissing me with a violence that was terrifying and yet, somehow, the summit of all my tenderest dreams. Mary Stewart