21 Quotes About Mac

While we all know that life’s not perfect, we tend to take this for granted and sometimes even forget to appreciate what we do have. That’s why we compiled a list of the most inspirational and motivational mac quotes of them all. Take a moment to see how these wise words can help you along your journey.

By the way, if you get mad at your Mac...
By the way, if you get mad at your Mac laptop and wonder who designed this demonic device, notice the manufacturer's icon on top: an apple with a bite out of it. Peter Kreeft
It's often only in the lies we refuse to speak...
It's often only in the lies we refuse to speak that any truth can be heard at all. Karen Marie Moning
Things we had, like respect and trust, but also freely expressed desires and accountability to whatever degree it took to make both people happy. It took work, a willingness to fight passionately and fairly--out of bed, not just in it--commitment and honesty. It took waking up and saying each day, "I hold this man sacred and always will. He's my sun, moon, and stars." It took letting the other person in; a thing I'd stopped doing. It took being unafraid to ask for what you wanted, to put yourself on the line, to risk it all for love. Karen Marie Moning
You only really fall apart in front of the people...
You only really fall apart in front of the people you know can piece you back together. Sarah Dessen
You have to be burning with an idea, or a...
You have to be burning with an idea, or a problem, or a wrong that you want to right. If you're not passionate enough from the start, you'll never stick it out. Steve Jobs
If I entered a tropical beach, would I end up in Nazi Germany with my highly inconvenient black hair? Karen Marie Moning
His coworker was velvety-skinned, a sexy boy-on-the-cusp-of man. Karen Marie Moning
Sex either blows your fucking mind, or it’s not good enough. Karen Marie Moning
As he fills me, I wonder if–in the same way that sex makes its own unique perfume–we don’t really “make” love. As in create, manufacture, evoke an independent element in the air around us, and if enough of us did it really well, for real, not just for the hell of it, we could change the world. Because when he’s in me, I feel the space around us changing, charging, and it seems to set off some kind of feedback loop, where the more he touches me, the more I need him to. Having sex with Barrons sates my need. Then feeds it. Sates, then feeds. It’s a never-ending cycle. I get out of bed with him, frantic to be back in it again. And I–“–hated you for it, ” he says gently. That was my line.“ I never get enough, Mac. Drives me bug-fuck. I should kill you for what you make me feel.” I understand perfectly. He is my vulnerability. I would become Shiva, the world-eater, for him. Karen Marie Moning
So?" Mac says. I shrug." Oh, come on! Don't tell me you didn't feel something? That you didn't enjoy it?"" It was nice, I guess."" You guess?" Mac laughs and swipes his hair from his brow. "Tough crowd."" Yeah, well, I guess you are an acquired taste. Ashley Mansour
Don’t lose yourself in anger, Mac. It’s gasoline. You can burn it as fuel, or you can use it to torch everything you care about and end up standing on a scorched battlefield, with everybody dead, even you - only your body doesn’t have the good grace to quit breathing. Karen Marie Moning
We stand strong, or we cower. We emerge victorious, tempered by our trials , or fractured by a permanent, damming fault line. Karen Marie Moning
What you do in your dreams is never your choice. But it made me happy anyway. Sarah Dessen
He had a nice smile. Seeing it, I felt like I’d won a prize, because he was so sparing with them. Sarah Dessen
I think sex with him might undo my essential cellular cohesion. Karen Marie Moning
Then why was his tongue in your mouth? Was he conducting a clinical test of your gag reflex?" He smiled, but not nicely. "How is your gag reflex, Ms. Lane? Are you a hair trigger?" Barrons likes to use sexual innuendo to try to shut me up. I think he expects the well-raised southern belle in me will think eew and back off. Sometimes, I do think eew, but I don't back off. "I'm a spitter, if that's what you're asking." I flashed him a too-sweet smile." Didn't look that way to me. I think you're a swallower. His tongue was halfway to China and you were still taking it."" Jealous? . Karen Marie Moning
Tell me it's not true." He sighed. "Fine. It's not true."... And yet..." Are you lying?" He rolled his eyes. "Of course I'm lying."" Not cool." I muttered. Kyle shrugged. "I didn't want you to start hyperventilating again." His hair fell over his eyes and he brushed it aside. "I figured annoying you was safer than admitting anything. Kathleen Peacock
For as long as I could remember, other people had either overshadowed me or left me out in the open, alone. But Mac, as Layla had said all those weeks ago, was always somewhere nearby. He left me enough space to stand alone, but stood at the ready for the moment that I didn’t want to. It was the perfect medium, I was learning. Like he was my saint, the one I’d been waiting for. Sarah Dessen
Okay, so we know that someone at your place of work hacked into this laptop. That's what we know, that's all we know; let's not jump to conclusions...yet." "Unless...it's backward... Dayna S. Rubin
Asked about the fact that Apple's i Tunes software for Windows computers was extremely popular, Jobs joked, 'It's like giving a glass of ice water to somebody in hell. Walter Isaacson