10 Quotes About Long Distance Love

Love isn’t a destination, it’s a journey. Whether you’re long-distance or face to face, love can be a wonderful thing. It can bring us together, heal our hearts, and fill our lives with happiness. But what happens when one of the partners is thousands of miles away from the other? What if they can’t find time to see each other? Fortunately, there are lots of ways to keep the spark alive through the long-distance relationship, so read on to learn how.

Absence is to love what wind is to fire; it...
Absence is to love what wind is to fire; it extinguishes the small, it inflames the great. Unknown
I believe in the immeasurable power of love that true...
I believe in the immeasurable power of love that true love can endure any circumstance and reach across any distance. Steve Maraboli
When two souls are one, they hear each other, even...
When two souls are one, they hear each other, even in silence. Matshona Dhliwayo
Oceanic farness treasures tomorrow Mingled tears lost in the sea...
Oceanic farness treasures tomorrow Mingled tears lost in the sea of sorrow Our immortal love will lead us a way When pale days remain cloudy and grey Munia Khan
Distance matters only when you fail to cover it through your mind Munia Khan
She affected me, even when she was absent. Shannon A. Thompson
All of the emotions that hit people at times like these, all of them, were coursing through us both like a secret we couldn’t tell. Because if we said everything we were thinking and feeling right then…if we laid it all out for one another…we might not like the way the words strung together. Or the way fear and hope and bitterness and love mashed up into one big mess in the pits of our stomachs. Laura Anderson Kurk
Oh! my dearest love, why are our pleasures so short and so interrupted? How long is this to last? Know you, my best Mary, that I feel myself, in your absence, almost degraded to the level of the vulgar and impure. I feel their vacant, stiff eyeballs fixed upon me, until I seem to have been infected with their loathsome meaning--to inhale a sickness that subdues me to languor. Oh! those redeeming eyes of Mary, that they might beam upon me before I sleep! Praise my forbearance--oh! beloved one--that I do not rashly fly to you, and at least secure a moment's bliss. Wherefore should I delay; do you not long to meet me? All that is exalted and buoyant in my nature urges me towards you, reproaches me with the cold delay, laughs at all fear and spurns to dream of prudence. Why am I not with you? . Michael Kelahan
Seasons of the heart. To get through what I must I'm often encased in ice and for months he chips away until he can see my face and after a while, I begin to thaw. As warmth and feeling returns, my emotions continue to build until my personality is set on fire. When he leaves, the fire dwindles until there is but a flicker. Then there is stillness and winter returns. Donna Lynn Hope