4 Quotes About Layers Of Heaven

The Guardians of the Overhead hold the most power in Heaven. They have the power to not only heal, but project. They can influence other Healers around them to make sure that Healer makes better judgment choices in life. Following them is the royal family that rules Heavens dynasty–” “ The Caspian family, ” I cut in happy that I knew the answer. To know that my family was the second most powerful family in Heaven’s dynasty suddenly made me feel powerful, even though my powers have not come in yet. “ Yes, ” Mother agreed with friendlies to her voice. “Although we are better known as the Nobles of Heaven. We have the ability to heal others, as well as control ones emotions. As you have noticed, your father and I are most powerful in the day time. That is when our power shines brightest. As the Nobles of Heaven, your father has the ability to control how a Healer acts. If one misbehaves, it is a Nobles job to straighten them up for the good of Heaven. Just by a single command, your father can change that Healers action. For if one Healer acts out, it is a chain reaction. Without consequence, Lumen will be unbalanced. Barbara C. Doyle
So the peasants are used as targets in war?” I doubted. “Does the Overhead feel that is necessary to kill off one of their own? Peasants are being placed as diversions on the front line like they mean nothing–” “ Would you rather save the strong, or spare the weak?” Mother questioned me. “ Why can we not do both?” I returned. “ Because Heaven has its reasons, Anastasia, ” Mother chimed quietly. “It is Heavens way to balance those who are strong and those who are weak. It cannot be changed. . Barbara C. Doyle
The Overhead bears the most powerful Healers in Heaven, ” Mother began softly. “The Healers–or Guardian Angels, as we were once known as–are given the most power from the sun. Our powers to heal others come from the light and good of the earth–it is what enables us to wake in the morning. Barbara C. Doyle