10 Quotes About Kahlil Gibran

Kahlil Gibran is a poet and philosopher. He wrote over thirty works of philosophy, fiction, and poetry. He was an artist, a teacher, and an inspirational writer who helped inspire the 20th century. His essays and short stories tell the stories of people living in different times and cultures throughout history Read more

He also wrote about life after death and love as a spiritual force. One of his best-known works is The Prophet. Here are the most famous quotations from his work.

In one drop of water are found all the secrets...
In one drop of water are found all the secrets of all the oceans Unknown
Desire is half of life
Desire is half of life Unknown
Let there be no scales to weigh your un-known treasure Unknown
You pray in your distress and in your need Unknown
Half of what I say is meaningless Unknown
Out of suffering have emerged the strongest souls Unknown
The real in us is silent Unknown
Oftentimes I have hated in self-defense Unknown
On a moonless night a man entered into his neighbour's garden and stole the largest melon he could find and brought it home. He opened it and found it still unripe. Then behold a marvel! The man's conscience woke and smote him with remorse Unknown