4 Quotes About Just War

War is an ugly, ugly thing. It's about the destruction of the human ideal. It's about the sacrifice of fathers and sons, of friends and loved ones who go off to die in the mud and blood of some godforsaken foreign field. But war is also about what happens after, when you come home Read more

War is about finding your way back to normal life, to home and hearth and family, sometimes after wounds that you can't see, or wounds that won't heal, or wounds that have left you in a different place in your mind. War is about coming back into the world - with scars that don't disappear, with memories that will stay with you always - with a new understanding of what it means to be human.

I am asked if I think the war was a just war ... how can I answer? I was a boy born and raised in beautiful Leningrad, a boy who loved his parents and went obediently to school. A boy who was yanked out of that life and dumped in a strange land where life followed different rules. Vladislav Tamarov
For many people, that war [WWII] is called the “good war” because it was fought against a regime guilty of unspeakable atrocities. But the Allies did not enter the war to save Jews from extermination. The United States entered the war after it was attacked by Japan at Pearl Harbor and, as a nation, we certainly did not do as much as we should have to save the Jewish population of Europe. The basic question is still with us: Is it right, justifiable, to intervene in a nation’s internal activities when those activities include genocide, ethnic cleansing, or some other demonstrable harm to a subset of its people?. Nel Noddings
There is no such thing as a "just" war. It's just war. And it's antithetical to the Gospel. David D. Flowers