2 Quotes About Javed Jamil

For every action there’s a reaction, and for every reaction there’s an equal and opposite reaction. The law of cause and effect is inescapable. When something bad happens to us, we don’t just get angry or sad, that emotion is caused by an earlier event that led to our anger or sadness. So when you feel bad, remember that it’s not always your fault Read more

The quote below offers the perfect reminder not to take things personally when you feel down.

The current political dispensation in the country takes pride in its affiliations with religion and culture. But unfortunately, they have become a corporate government more than a moral government. Religion to them does not mean the supremacy of moral, family and social values prescribed by religion, but hatred based on religious identity. If they can revisit their strategy, and take a bold stand against social vices, almost all the religious communities of the country, which means more than 95 pc of the people, will be standing behind them. But unfortunately, they stand for the rest 5 per cent. Javed Jamil
The beauty of Islamic System is that in contrast to the current international judicial systems, it involves the victims or their heirs in the process of deciding the quantum of the punishment. The responsibility of the court is to examine the charges, decide the nature of the crime and the involvement of the accused persons and then announce the Maximum Permissible Punishment available under Islamic law. Following that, it is the right of the victims or their heirs to either allow the maximum punishment or to reduce or pardon it, in return or not of an adequate compensation, to be decided through mutual understanding. Javed Jamil