3 Quotes About Inward Focu

A wise person once told me that the most important thing in life is not to know what to do, but rather to know what to be. Right now, you may be searching for your purpose. Maybe you’re questioning your true calling or wondering what makes you happy. You may even feel like there isn’t anything important left in your life Read more

But the truth is, there is plenty of work left to do, and you can find it for yourself right where you are right now. These quotes on inward-focus will inspire you to look within yourself and discover the wisdom that lies within.

The self-esteem of western women is founded on physical being (body mass index, youth, beauty). This creates a tricky emphasis on image, but the internalized locus of self-worth saves lives. Western men are very different. In externalizing the source of their self-esteem, they surrender all emotional independence. (Conquest requires two parties, after all.) A man cannot feel like a man without a partner, corporation, team. Manhood is a game played on the terrain of opposites. It thus follows that male sense of self disintegrates when the Other is absent. . Antonella GambottoBurke
Recovering is a process of coming to experience a sense of self. More precisely, it is a process of learning to sense one's self, to attune to one's subjective physical, psychic, and social self- experience. These woman's core sense of shame and their difficulty tolerating painful emotions had led them to avoid turning their attention inward to their internal sense of things. In recovering, they "came to their senses" and learned to trust their sensed experience, in particular their sense of "enoughness"". . Sheila M. Reindl