15 Quotes About Interpersonal Relationship

As human beings, we have a natural inclination to connect with others. Whether it’s a business partner, friend, or family member, we all want to find someone who understands us and has the same interests as us. We all want to be understood. But what happens when you can’t find this person? How do you make friends, date someone new, or move past a relationship that’s not working? This list of interpersonal relationships quotes gives you some great ideas on how to understand people and communicate effectively with them.

Developing strong interpersonal relationships by creating lasting connections instead of...
Developing strong interpersonal relationships by creating lasting connections instead of just passing acquaintances will take your business to a new level. Farshad Asl
Playing nice" comes naturally when our neuroception detects safety and promotes physiological states that support social behavior. However, pro-social behavior will not occur when our neuroception misreads the environmental cues and triggers physiological states that support defensive strategies. After all, "playing nice" is not appropriate or adaptive behavior in dangerous or life-threatening situations. In these situations, humans - like other mammals - react with more primitive neurobiological defense systems. To create relationships, humans must subdue these defensive reactions to engage, attach, and form lasting social bonds. Humans have adaptive neurobehavioral systems for both pro-social and defensive behaviors. Stephen W. Porges
I started crying when the group [therapy] was over because the last thing we did upset me - we all held a piece of the same cloth, leaned back and supported each other's weight. I couldn't do it. I bent my legs and elbows and stood very firm, yet .. .I needed to feel supported, as i do in life, but i can't let myself be, and i pretend not to need that support. Carol Lee
Just because you have baggage doesn't mean you have to...
Just because you have baggage doesn't mean you have to lug it around. Richie Norton
Communication is an art form that is crafted throughout our lives. Asa Don Brown
I suppose one oughtn’t to marry anybody, unless one’s prepared to make him a full-time job.”“ Probably not; though there are a few rare people, I believe, who don’t look on themselves as jobs but as fellow creatures. Dorothy L. Sayers
Failure is becoming someone who needs others to fail. Alain De Botton
If you happen to hold that human consciousness is no more than the epiphenomenon, or secretion, of our individual brains then you are more or less trapped in your own skull. But if consciousness is open, if it can partake in a more global form of being, if it can merge with the natural world and with other beings, then, indeed, it may be possible to drop, for a time, the constraints of one's personal worldview and see reality through the eyes of others. F. David Peat
The closest one person can get to another is through silence. Bohumil Hrabal
Unhealthy relationships are most commonly lacking in the most essential of ingredient: healthy communication. Asa Don Brown
It is essential that children who are directly or indirectly affected by domestic violence receive psychological care. Asa Don Brown
I wish there wasn't such a division between people who believe certain things and people who don't. It seems vastly hypocritical on both ends, these two groups of people both claiming to believe in good things and yet willing to do bad things to each other for disagreeing. Kevin Breel
Authority is not a quality one person 'has, ' in the sense that he has property or physical qualities. Authority refers to an interpersonal relation in which one person looks upon another as somebody superior to him. Erich Fromm
Thomas's mistake, like most of the behavior he leaked into the world, had been avoidable: to join another human being in a situation that virtually demanded unscripted, spontaneous conversation, and thus to risk total moral and emotional dissolution. Death by conversation, and all that. Ben Marcus