12 Quotes About Inspiration

Inspiration is often mistaken for inspiration, but it is a different thing altogether. Inspiration is the process of being inspired. Inspiration has many faces and many forms. There are many ways in which we can be inspired Read more

When you think of inspiration, what comes to mind? Perhaps it is a quote that speaks to your heart or a song that moves you in some way. Maybe it’s the feeling you get when you’re in nature or when you look at something beautiful. Whatever it may be, here are some of the best inspirational quotes to inspire your soul!

I gave up many times but I never quit.
I gave up many times but I never quit. Ken Poirot
I help people achieve their dreams.
I help people achieve their dreams. Ken Poirot
Motivating others leads to success whereas inspiring others leads to...
Motivating others leads to success whereas inspiring others leads to greatness. Ken Poirot
Your life is a precious gift from an imaginative loving Source that endlessly breathes life. Dashama Konah Gordon
Don't blaming your challenge but get up and look it as a bridge to your success. Bruce Mbanzabugabo
When what you believe, intend, feel and act comes in alignment ‘Magic’ happens! Harrish Sairaman
One way at a time I'll try to lend these broken hands of mine give my strength, be my light. Joe Brooks
Greatness is inspiring others to be their best. Ken Poirot
In childhood, we learn to remember everything and later, meditate to forget everything! ! ! ! Harrish Sairaman
Behind everything that we do, there is always a Purpose. We are just not conscious to most of them. Harrish Sairaman
Influencing is just not about listening and speaking, it’s the game of interpretation. Harrish Sairaman