7 Quotes About Illustration

Illustrations are a very effective way to present information to the reader. They are also a great way to convey your emotions, thoughts or ideas. They are often used to illustrate the meaning of stories, speeches, poetry, books, news articles, essays, textbooks and even scientific papers. A lot of famous quotes have been illustrated over the years Read more

We have collected the best ones.

We may not stay quick, If we are weak or...
We may not stay quick, If we are weak or sage, but a lot can squeak As we start to age. Ana Claudia Antunes
Magic is always impossible. It begins with the impossible and ends with the impossible and is impossible in between. That's why it is magic. Kate Dicamillo
He lifted his shirt, and on his back was the White Rabbit, wearing his waistcoat and looking at his watch. It was just like the illustration from the book. Only standing next to him, back-to-back, was another White Rabbit wearing a leather motercycle jacket and boots and smoking a cigar. Michael Thomas Ford
The enlightened worry more about the problems of the world than about their own problems, and their longing for the well-being of all life grows deeper, making the suffering of all people, all creatures, and all things their own. This is a gift brought by enlightenment, which, at the same time, brings deep anguish. Ilchi Lee
Knowing that you have a soul bright and clear like the sun, perceiving and feeling that soul, you will realize that it is very precious and beautiful. Whenyou consider yourself important and precious, you will begin to feel the same way toward other forms of life and toward the world. Ilchi Lee
In preparing the present volume, it has been the aim of the author to do full justice to the ample material at his command, and, where possible, to make the illustrations tell the main story to anatomists. The text of such a memoir may soon lose its interest, and belong to the past, but good figures are of permanent value. [Justifying elaborate illustrations in his monographs.] Othniel Charles Marsh