5 Quotes About Ideologue

Ideologues are people who believe in a certain principle or idea as the only way to live. They often have a strong sense of being right and being superior, which can cause them to ignore facts, twist the truth, and be intolerant of those who do not share their beliefs. As you can imagine, ideologues can be a huge problem in a society. Ideology is a political system that governs an entire country or a large group of people Read more

The term is derived from the Greek ἰδέαι, for ideas, and λόγος, meaning “word” or “thought”. In its most basic form, ideology is a system of principles or ideas that guides a society towards the best way to achieve its goals. Here are some positive and inspirational quotes about ideology from some of history’s most influential thinkers.

We don’t know anything about silent sages, buried knowledge, the eye of the mute poet, serene seers, yet how many talkative destroyers, prophets and ideologues, teachers and beautifiers there are on the other side. Dejan Stojanovic
If you are truly convinced that there is some solution to all human problems, that one can conceive an ideal society which men can reach if only they do what is necessary to attain it, then you and your followers must believe that no price can be too high to pay in order to open the gates of such a paradise. Only the stupid and malevolent will resist once certain simple truths are put to them. Those who resist must be persuaded; if they cannot be persuaded, laws must be passed to restrain them; if that does not work, then coercion, if need be violence, will inevitably have to be used–if necessary, terror, slaughter. Isaiah Berlin
The great presidents never forget the principle of the republic and seek to preserve and enhance them — in the long run— without undermining the needs of the moment. Bad presidents simply do what is expedient, heedless of principles. But the worst presidents are those who adhere to the principles regardless of what the fortunes of the moment demand. George Friedman
Communism is the friend of the ideologue, and the enemy of mankind. S. Thomas Kaza