6 Quotes About Identity In Christ

Because of the one thing that makes us who we are, the one thing that sets us apart from all other people, there is no greater feeling in the world than being accepted for who you are. We are the only ones who have our own unique identity. Many people have tried to give their identity to others, but it’s so hard to do when you are so different from them. No matter how hard you try though, no one can ever take your identity away, because it belongs only to you Read more

Whether you think about this or not, one day your identity will be taken away from you by death. But the beautiful thing is that while we are living on this earth we have a chance to gain our identity and become who we really were meant to be. So whether you believe in Jesus Christ and his gospel of grace and love or not, there is no doubt in my mind that God has already given us what we need to become who we were meant to be.

Part of her had hoped he would say something like, "I want you, Katie. You belong to me now. I'll take care of you." He didn't say that. But his answer was the best one, really. "You belong to Christ, Katie. Robin Jones Gunn
The more we focus on who we are in Christ, the less it matters who we were in the past, or even what happened to us. Joyce Meyer
We do not behave out of our identity, we behave out of our understanding of our identity in Christ. Shelley Hendrix
In a world full of cynics, critics, and competitors, we get to choose instead to be cheerleaders for others. Shelley Hendrix
When you know who you are, you know what to do. Shelley Hendrix