4 Quotes About Humnaity

Happiness is a state of mind. It lies within each of us, but we need to stop and take a look at the world around us. We need to look for the good in what everyone else has, and focus on what we still have. We need to search our souls and discover the true meaning of happiness within ourselves Read more

When you feel sad, don’t focus on it. When you feel angry, don’t focus on it. Focus on yourself, your life, what you can do, and be grateful for everything you have.

As humanity perfects itself, man becomes degraded. When everything is reduced to the mere counter-balancing of economic interests, what room will there be for virtue? When Nature has been so subjugated that she has lost all her original forms, where will that leave the plastic arts? And so on. In the mean time, things are going to get very murky. Gustave Flaubert
Don't judge people on their Religion, Family Or Country they live. .. Judge People On Their Nature..! ! Sagar Pandit
Shroud of dust now covers the beautiful earth, wonder when we respire in the fresh air of verdure. Soumya V.