3 Quotes About Humanity Animals Philosophy

Human beings are a curious and remarkable species. We constantly invent and reinvent ourselves, constantly learning about our place in the world. All of these discoveries and inventions have been made possible by our ability to learn, grow, and evolve or devolve, depending on your point of view. This is the reason we’ve put together this collection of quotes about humanity and what we’ve learned about ourselves Read more

Let these inspirational and wise quotes help you look at life in a new way.

How initially 'to get her in the sack' and subsequently...
How initially 'to get her in the sack' and subsequently to avoid 'her giving you the sack' are not identical dilemmas faced by the male species, but they sure have a bizarre habit of being bedfellows Alex Morritt
We are only fully human when we act as if the life beyond us matters. Caspar Henderson