13 Quotes About Human Behaviour

One of the most dangerous things that can happen to a child is to kill or torture an animal an get away with it. Margaret Mead
Couples tended to be of roughly equivalent personal attractiveness, though of course factors such as money often seemed to secure a partner of significantly better looks than oneself. Robert Galbraith
I think this is one bad side of a mirror; it helps us to see the reflection of the effects of our own actions on ourselves. We smile and it smiles back to us, we frown and it frowns to us. How I wish it shows us the reflections of the effects of our actions on other people as well so that we will be conscious! Israelmore Ayivor
How often you impress people when you have nothing and how often you oppress them when you have everything is what defines your real character! Israelmore Ayivor
What every man should desire is an ugly woman with a beautiful heart, not a beautiful woman with an ugly heart. Michael Bassey Johnson
There's a sameness to streetlife. On every world I've ever been, the same underlying patterns play out, flaunt and vaunt, buy and sell, like some distilled essence of human behavior seeping out from whatever clanking political machine has been dropped on it from above. Richard K. Morgan
Jealousy is a general human behavior, Until it's not changed. Srishtie
When you hand good people possibility, they do great things. Biz Stone
...you’d be amazed at the grand tales the human brain will throw up to make sense of something nonsensical. Dianna Hardy
All of us, have our antenna up for people who might harm us in one way or another, not just people who might hurt us physically, but also for people who might treat us unfairly, take advantage of us, cheat us or fail to do their share. And we react very strongly to be misleading by other people, is part of human nature, to guard against being hurt and exploited. Mark Leary
I like to go to Starbucks and watch the intellectuals. I observe them and their intellectualness. They in turn observe me drinking coffee and being a creeper. Ryan Lilly
It's a bitter truth but we humans are the only creature in this universe who not only fed up with things but also by other human beings. M.H. Rakib