6 Quotes About Hopeless Situation

When life seems hopeless, you can always turn to these hopeless situation quotes. These are the kind of inspiring, humorous, and uplifting quotes that can help you turn your current situation around.

So much can change from one day to the next,...
So much can change from one day to the next, but the one thing that always remains the same is God. Stay focused on Him. In God We Trust. Germany Kent
When your situation seems pathless and hopeless, this happens just because your mind is not talented enough to find a hope and to create a path! Mehmet Murat Ildan
Nothing is more excruciating than hopelessly longing for lost love. Ken Poirot
When hopeful and hopeless come together, both will learn great things from each other: Hopeful will learn the horror of being hopeless and the hopeless will learn the beauty of being hopeful! Mehmet Murat Ildan
What should I feel after carving my bones? peeling off my skin? after sculpted my soul and damaging my fervour, just as the way you desire your appetite must be. Abandoned, forsaken, empty, perhaps.. Ehddah