32 Quotes About Happen

Being happy with who you are is all about accepting that you are exactly the person that you are. Being happy with yourself doesn’t mean being complacent about the mistakes you’ve made or the things you don’t have. It means being secure enough in your strengths to know that you are the person who deserves the things that have come your way. It means being confident enough to know that even though other people may not always understand what makes you tick, they will respect who you are because of it.

Do you know how there are moments when the world moves so slowly you can feel your bones shifting, your mind tumbling? When you think that no matter what happens to you for the rest of your life, you will remember every last detail of that one minute forever? Jodi Picoult
The point at which things happen is a decision. In...
The point at which things happen is a decision. In stead of focusing on yourself, focus on how you can help someone else. Germany Kent
Dr. Richard Selzer is a surgeon and a favorite author of mine. He writes the most beautiful and compassionate descriptions of his patients and the human dramas they confront. In his book Letters to a Young Doctor, he said that most young people seem to be protected for a time by an imaginary membrane that shields them from horror. They walk in it every day but are hardly aware of its presence. As the immune system protects the human body from the unseen threat of harmful bacteria, so this mythical membrane guards them from life-threatening situations. Not every young person has this protection, of course, because children do die of cancer, congenital heart problems, and other disorders. But most of them are shielded–and don’t realize it. Then, as years roll by, one day it happens. Without warning, the membrane tears, and horror seeps into a person’s life or into the life of a loved one. It is at this moment that an unexpected theological crisis presents itself. James C. Dobson
What happens when I love, you ask, does the world...
What happens when I love, you ask, does the world start making sense? No, my dear, it does not. But it won’t matter to you then. Kamand Kojouri
Shh! It happens. Sh! it happens. Vikrmn
Whatever happens, happens for the best.' That's how any domestic counselling starts in a Marathi family. Everyone in every family has an inner psychiatrist who rises to the occasion with some home-made mottos, a few lines from Jagjit Singh ghazal. An older generation may quote Tukaram but underlying all this is the bedrock phase: Whatever happens, happens for the best. Sachin Kundalkar
Anything or everything can happen. You determine how good or bad they are Constancev Chuks Friday
Everything goes and happens fast. That's how the world is build! (Pet Semetary 1 by Stephen King) Deyth Banger
I'm just so tired of life being something that happens to me. That's not how it's supposed to work. I'm supposed to make my own life. Joshua Edward Smith
When I consider the teachings, doctrines and what happens generally in the body of Christ both here in Europe, America and in Africa, I sometimes feel that I am living in my own reality. Either the whole world is getting it wrong or I am just running crazy Sunday Adelaja
We can’t control everything that happens to us, but we can control how we respond to things we can’t control. Avis J. Williams
There’s a moment in everybody’s life when you’re hopeless, just hopeless with hope and trust. And then something happens, something too big to understand, and then everything changes Will Donner
I read one study that indicated when a couple has been together for approximately three hundred hours, even most of those who are trying to be moral will do things they didn't intend originally. They may not even realize that is where the relationship is headed until it happens. James C. Dobson
Nothing happens unless first we dream. Carl Sandburg
Nothing profound ever happens in your life when you remain in your comfort zone. Bill Courtney
Complacency happens almost without notice. Check and renew your heart daily. Jim George
In God's economy, you may even harvest a crop in places where you didn't plant seed. When you're generous, you will be blessed, whether it comes to you materially, spiritually, emotionally, relationally, or some other way. God obviously cares much more about what happens in our hearts than what happens in our bank accounts, more about our attitudes than our credit scores. Giving generously changes you. It frees you up, undermines the power that money and possessions can have over you, and it makes you more like Him. Craig Groeschel
We stayed all day long. We closed our eyes and paryed, which we had not doen together in a long time. The nurse came in and out of the room. Everything felt awful and I wondered why the whole world didn't seem to notice how bad things really were. I thought of how I'd gotten used to awful, how after my dad died the planets kept on spinning and I got up and ate breakfast every morning and kept going to school. Something happens and it's terrible and you think you can't live another day, but then your mother gets used to it and you get used to it and you both keep on living, and you're not sure if that getting-used-to-things is good or the way life should be. Margaret McMullan
Looked from different aspects hate just cause more problems it doesn't solve. I hate dogs, I hate black people, I hate yellow people, I hate this person, I hate my father, I hate my mother. And in the end what happens?? It gets even more worse, what are you planning better life or a worse life - that's my question?! Deyth Banger
Let's don't join the mask to say the truth and without a mask to say the lie. DON't BE a such pussy, people which are an idiots, stupid and.. they do this. You aren't one of them, unless you join them and you be part of them. Truth always goes with us, it follows and always can be found, the lie is just masks, one over another, over another and what happens in the end.. You even don't know with which guy did you sleep, was this guy with you yesterday or you were in date with other?? . Deyth Banger
Happiness is not the victory, success or accomplishment; it is what happens at the end of the day? M.F. Moonzajer
I found awesome quotes here which are marvel, but the main problem is that from 10000000000000000000000000 people which is an endless result few of them read them. What happens with the other part?? To clever to read this? Deyth Banger
Before one day, which will mean the day before today, I just played chess with a friend the strategies were incrediable the moves which I made were wise and I win the two games... This happens in other games also, however today I and two my friends we played football it ended 7 for me and my friend and for the other fried 5-6 somewhere there... We just played football! Deyth Banger
Unforeseen surprises are the rule in science, not the exception. Remember: Stuff happens. Leonard Susskind
Music happens to be an art form that transcends language. Herbie Hancock
Learning happens in the minds and souls, not in the databases of multiple-choice tests. Ken Robinson
Make the best use of what is in your power, and take the rest as it happens. Epictetus
Experience is not what happens to you it's what you do with what happens to you. Aldous Huxley
Life is ten percent what happens to you and ninety percent how you respond to it. Lou Holtz
Smile at a stranger. See what happens. Patti LuPone
Let your mind alone, and see what happens. Virgil Thomson